Full Financial Planning Services

CFP CERT TM Professional

Identify your Priority of Financial Objectives and Needs.

Comfortable Retirement

a plan to supplement your EPF and other pensions funds to help maintain your current lifestyle during your retirement years

Children’s Tertiary Education

a plan to pay your children’s education costs for undergraduate studies or comparable vocational training

Dream Home

a plan to help realize your dream of home for you and your family.

Tax Planning

a strategy to reduce your income tax burdens by proper structuring of your employment benefits and to optimize your claims for business expenses

Business Ownership and Continuation

a plan to start and own a business and to ensure business going-on concern

Family Security in case if Untimely Death/Disability

a plan to help meet your financial obligations and assure your family of financial security in the event of your premature death/disability

Wealth Accumulation and Distribution

a plan to accumulate wealth and an arrangement to preserve assets and in passing on your estate to your loved one

Health Assurance

a plan to ensure adequate funds and protection to meet medical fees including hospital bills and long-term care for yourself and your family

Other Financial Objectives

a plan to help you realize your other financial goals like owning your luxury house, or car, traveling overseas vacation, charity contributions, and others.

理财生活化 生活理财话

-Amanda Han, May2020-

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